Chocolate Vodka Infused Strawberries

“Do Not Arouse or Awaken Love until it so Desires”

One of the sweetest things about Valentine’s day is our desire to indulge in some of nature’s greatest gifts: Chocolate, Strawberries and Cream.

Strawberry dripping cream off spoon_embracedesiresAh, you’ve seen them in store windows, and you’ve drooled over the shiny chocolate that envelops the juicy, succulent berry.  Perhaps you thought about making your own version.  This is where we come in.  Instead of trying to make the perfect blend of oil and chocolate to cover your strawberry, savor the flavor with each bite of the chocolate INSIDE of the fruit.  This is a simple five step process to make and enjoy chocolate soaked strawberries.

You will need:

  • Strawberries
  • Fork
  • Large clean jar with lid
  • Favorite chocolate infused vodka
  • Cream (either whipped or fresh)
  1. Grab a carton of strawberries and wash.  You will need enough to taste along the way.  Strawberries are a delicate fruit, so be careful when washing them.
  2. Gently Poke a few holes in the strawberries to allow the vodka to soak in quicker (yummy).
  3. Place the strawberries in the large clean jar and pour as much of the chocolate infused vodka over the strawberries to cover them.  Place lid on jar.
  4. Refrigerate anywhere from 1 – 24 hours (the longer they soak, the stronger the taste – but sample a berry after an hour or so).
  5. When you are ready to surprise your partner (or indulge in your own decadent treat), remove from refrigerator, drain the strawberries over a coffee liner or strainer and pat dry.

Enjoy with fresh or whipped cream.

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